[squid-users] SMP-Workers + Rock Cache not caching as much as SMP-Workers + AUFS

Lucolo lukgom at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 08:21:26 UTC 2019

Hi Amos

First of all, thank for your response.

I am more interested in having proper working rock cache

as you said:

The Rock setup: 
 - all traffic funneled through one worker. *is it supposed to work that
 - 4 workers operating with shared caches. *That's correct, I assume.*
  - CARP load balancing selectively channels objects by URL to particular 

I follow your manual just to configure "CARP Cluster of SMP workers with
rock", so I assume this is a working configuration

Since it's the basic configuration Squid recommends, I don't see much
efficiency in using this kind of configuration.

The info missing in the previus post were:

# squid -v
Squid Cache: Version 4.4
Service Name: squid
This binary uses OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips  26 Jan 2017.

Traffic in each proxy is around 1 Gb and 6K connections.


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