[squid-users] Is there a way on client to show proxy's certificate?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sat Dec 21 05:59:34 UTC 2019

On 21/12/19 7:02 pm, GeorgeShen wrote:
>> The same openssl command can connect to any type of TLS server.
> True. But the proxy server may not run normal TLS service or listen on the
> port 443.
> The proxy with SSL-Bump is listening on the 3129 for example, I have
> certainly tried:
>  openssl s_client -connect proxy-server-ip:3129 -showcert
> and that does not work. I'm just say the proxy server may not also run a
> normal TLS service.

Squid only supports normal TLS service. If the above command is not
producing proper TLS details that is the problem.


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