[squid-users] Https inception gives 503 error

mandev selimakpinar at protonmail.com
Sun Dec 8 07:35:18 UTC 2019


I am using pfsense with squid and squidguard for web filtering without
client side certificate installation. I did manage to block pages and mostly
error free internet traffic. But for the last thing i cannot work it. I want
to redirect users to a block page and i did this with http but cannot do
this with https. When a blocked page visited it gives
"SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG" error. Debug it a lot for this issue and my
founding are below and config files are attached (its pfsense so not much
mostly automatic files);

When i access a http page this is how squid redirects:

2019/12/08 06:32:02.735 kid1| 5,3| comm.cc(553) commSetConnTimeout:
local= remote= FD 18 flags=33 timeout
2019/12/08 06:32:02.735 kid1| 23,3| url.cc(371) urlParse: urlParse: Split
URL 'http://hurriyet.com.tr/' into proto='http', host='hurriyet.com.tr',
port='80', path='/'
2019/12/08 06:32:02.735 kid1| 14,3| Address.cc(389) lookupHostIP: Given
Non-IP 'hurriyet.com.tr': hostname nor servname provided, or not known
2019/12/08 06:32:02.735 kid1| 33,3| client_side.cc(891)
clientSetKeepaliveFlag: http_ver = HTTP/1.1

When i access a https page this happends:

2019/12/08 06:28:14.431 kid1| 23,3| url.cc(371) urlParse: urlParse: Split
into proto='', host='http', port='443', path=''
2019/12/08 06:28:14.431 kid1| 14,3| Address.cc(389) lookupHostIP: Given
Non-IP 'http': hostname nor servname provided, or not known
2019/12/08 06:28:14.431 kid1| 61,2| client_side_request.cc(1286)
clientRedirectDone: URL-rewriter diverts URL from selimakpinar.com:443 to
2019/12/08 06:28:14.431 kid1| 83,3| client_side_request.cc(1743) doCallouts:
Doing calloutContext->clientAccessCheck2()


1575790083.949      7 TAG_NONE/200 0 CONNECT
1575790084.047     99 TAG_NONE/503 0 CONNECT
selimakpinar.com:443 - HIER_NONE/- -


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