[squid-users] Help with IP forwarder on squid

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Aug 28 12:31:42 UTC 2019

On 28.08.19 09:22, jmperrote wrote:
>Hello Matus thanks for the answer, but on the apache backend server we 
>just receip request from the reverse proxy, and we mounted software 
>for DDOS on the apache server, so we need to identified the ip from 
>reverse proxy for DDOS work.

and this is eaxctly why I said you must configure apache to accept
X-Forwarder-For header from squid, so apache knows which real IP connects
from the outside.  And I said the proper module is mod_remoteip or something

However, yout anti-ddos software should connect to squid, not to apache. Or,
your squid server might be useless in that setup.

>El 28/8/19 a las 08:40, Matus UHLAR - fantomas escribió:
>>On 28.08.19 07:59, jmperrote wrote:
>>>Hello we have a reverse proxy squid and on the backend a apache 
>>>server with anti DDOS software.
>>>Any request on the apache comming from the same ip of the reverse 
>>>proxy because it is forwader to the apache backend.
>>>We need that the apache server receip the original ip from client.
>>>We try  the "forwarder_for on" directive at the top of squid.conf 
>>>but not result.
>>you must configure apache to accept that IP as the original IP.
>>I think it has mod_remoteip or something like that.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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