[squid-users] Analize squid3 por conexion

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sun Oct 7 23:20:49 UTC 2018

On 8/10/18 4:33 AM, Ikari C wrote:
> Hi, i use squid3 for proxy in my lan, and it's works very well, but i
> wish analize the log in real time per conecction and the speed that
> conection use , for example, i want to see the traffic by  host
> (all the conecctions or talks to the host), somthing like
> htop but for the "access.log", what kind of sofware con you recommend
> me? thanks for your time.

There is a list of software known to be able to process Squid log files
at <http://www.squid-cache.org/Misc/log-analysis.html>. Most of these
are for post-processing of the log data though.

Personally I use the DB logging daemon shipped with Squid to store data
into a database and custom report generators based on squidview to
display the data customers need/want to see.


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