[squid-users] Question on Many Clients to Many Proxy Lists

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Thu Nov 29 15:44:43 UTC 2018

On 11/29/18 7:57 AM, Wire Cutter wrote:

> I’ve created 4 ports for clients to talk to, then created ACL lists for
> those ports.  From there I’ve tried (and failed) to create naming groups
> for cacheing peers, then added those to ACLs and it fails. Any ideas?

Use cache_peer_access to allow http_port X traffic (and only that
traffic) to peer group Y:

  # rules for peer group A
  cache_peer_access peerA1 allow receivedOnPortForPeersA
  cache_peer_access peerA2 allow receivedOnPortForPeersA
  cache_peer_access peerA3 allow receivedOnPortForPeersA
  # rules for peer group B
  cache_peer_access peerB1 allow receivedOnPortForPeersB
  cache_peer_access peerB2 allow receivedOnPortForPeersB

Depending on your traffic and needs, you may also need to allow
non-hierarchical requests to go to peer:

  nonhierarchical_direct off

and/or to prohibit direct connections for portX:

  never_direct allow receivedOnPortForPeersA
  never_direct allow receivedOnPortForPeersB

Once you get this working, please make Squid documentation improvements
that would have allowed you to figure this out on your own.



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