[squid-users] passwd problem

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon May 21 13:37:23 UTC 2018

On 22/05/18 00:35, Alex Gutiérrez Martínez wrote:
>> On 12/05/18 00:30, Alex Gutiérrez Martínez wrote:
>>> Hello community, yesterday i noticed that one of my users is using a
>>> private squid to avoid the tedious problem of typing the password every
>>> time he starts session in his browser. The problem is that the squid
>>> suddenly started to return in plain text the username and password.
>>> Therefore, that information is reflected in my proxy log.
>>> The directive that the user used is:
>>> "cache_peer proxy.mynetwork.cu parent 3229 0 no-query no-digest default
>>> login = user1: passwd1"
>> Ensure that there are no whitespace in that login string. It should just be:
>>  login=user1:passwd1
>> Also ensure that the user1 and passwd1 are correct values accepted by
>> the peer for Basic auth.
>> Amos
> Im sorry the delay. It seem that thunderbird add the whitespaces to my
> parent directive when i paste the text. Im still facing the same
> problem, any sugestions??
> "cache_peer proxy.mynetwork.cu parent 3229 0 no-query no-digest default login=user1:passwd1"

Okay so that directive tells Squid to use Basic auth with that parent proxy.

What type of authentication is supposed to be going on if not HTTP Basic

And what does your log contain exactly compared to what you want to see
replace username and passsword with fake values of course, but we do
need to see exactly what is going on to know what fix is best.


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