[squid-users] large rock store and shared large objects

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Fri May 4 10:50:09 UTC 2018

>On 04/05/18 22:22, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> Hello,
>> According to rock store documentation[1], the
>> "
>> Objects larger than 32,000 bytes cannot be cached when cache_dirs are
>> shared
>> among workers.
>> "
>> does this still apply with large rock store[2]?
>> [1] https://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/RockStore
>> [2] https://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/LargeRockStore

On 04.05.18 22:29, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>    Small: fits in one db slot (in Small Rock, the slot size is the same
>as max-size and all cached entries are small).
>    Large: not small.
>    Huge: gigabytes in size.
>Not being smaller than a 32KB 'slot' is the definition of "large".

Thank you, but how does it answer my question?

does that mean that LargeRockStore allows to split and store objects larger
than slot size, but sharing them between workers is a different story?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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