[squid-users] ssl intercept and forward to privoxy

teapot teapot at hexistentialist.com
Thu Mar 29 23:01:05 UTC 2018

Hi, I'm attempting to set up squid to perform SSL interception and route its
traffic through tor, and I'm a bit stuck. I've started with  this guide
<https://wiki.vpsget.com/index.php/Squid+Privoxy+Tor>  .

This works for HTTP traffic, but does not work for SSL; for the latter I get
the error 'kid1| assertion failed: PeerConnector.cc:116: "peer->use_ssl"'
from squid; however if I add the 'ssl' directive to the cache_peer, neither
type of connection will work.

Is privoxy truly required for this? If I have understood  this thread
correctly, once the CONNECT is received by squid it cannot then recreate
that command to a peer and the SSL connection will fail. However, the only
other discussions of this topic I have found say that squid cannot send
directly to a listening tor service.

squid v3.5.23 on Debian Stretch, privoxy 3.0.26, tor

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