[squid-users] How to configure a "proxy home" page ?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Tue Mar 27 17:05:49 UTC 2018

On 26.03.18 21:47, Yuri wrote:
>Waaaaaaa, Matus,
>the idea is trivial.
>Catch SSL UNKNOWN ISSUER error on squid's acl and redirect by 302 to
>proxy page with instructions. Which requires user's involving.
>How much can repeat the obvious ....

you can't catch the "SSL UNKNOWN ISSUER" on squid, since it's a client error
(so squid can't see it) and it happens BEFORE squid sends ANYTHING to the

>26.03.2018 21:41, Matus UHLAR - fantomas пишет:
>> On 25.03.18 23:47, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
>>> I do not know your level of JS or other thing but... a splash page is
>>> mearly a transition step.
>>> Since you can check using JS if the certificate is installed
>> And how do you push the JS into the client?
>> when client tries to fetch https://www.google.com/ and you don't have
>> cert
>> for www.google.com, answering with any other certificate by unknown
>> authority will produce error before the JS is loaded.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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