[squid-users] Google analytics screwing up a lot of sites?

Bob Cochran squidcache at mindchasers.com
Mon Mar 26 19:27:31 UTC 2018


We use squid 3.5.20 and a custom content filter to block undesirable 
(tracking) sites (e.g., google-analytics.com).

I noticed recently that many sites no longer work properly.  From 
testing, I attribute this to our blocking of either google-analytics.com 
or another google tracking URI.  I can  see blocked Google script tags & 
various errors in the browser's Javascript developer console.

It seems that Google's JavaScript ( or missing scripts ) is rendering 
various modal / dialog boxes useless (typically just see a blank modal 
and a spinning loading graphic).

I have recently seen this on BMW, Verizon, Arrow electronics, etc.  
Shame on them all for tracking me.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

I'm thinking that squid & our content filter is doing its job, and its 
Google that's creating havoc.



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