[squid-users] Squid + SquidGuard : static block page not working

Nicolas Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Wed Mar 14 13:13:53 UTC 2018

Le 14/03/2018 à 14:06, Amos Jeffries a écrit :
> Then the first thing you and your readers need to be clear on is that
> SquidGuard was end-of-life'd many years ago. It is long overdue for
> removal or replacement. This has impact such as the one you saw on HTTPS
> traffic support which was only added to Squid-3 after SG stopped being
> maintained.
> The best thing to be doing these days is upgrading simple configs like
> the one you presented earlier to using modern Squid features directly in
> squid.conf - as I recommended earlier.
> For very complex configurations (or emergency upgrades) the ufdbguard
> tool can be used as a drop-in replacement for squidGuard while the
> config migration is evaluated. It handles the HTTPS situation better
> than SG does, but for simple configs any helper is still very much
> overkill and a performance drag.

This is the configuration which is currently in use at our local school.
The server is running Squid + SquidGuard on Slackware 14.1. We're
planning to move to CentOS 7 in June 2018, so I'd like to use this
working configuration without having to jump through burning loops or
having to reinvent the wheel.

# /etc/squidguard/squidguard.conf

dbhome /var/lib/squidguard/dest
logdir /var/log/squidguard

time couvrefeu {
  weekly mtwhf 00:00-07:00
  weekly smtwh 22:30-24:00

src direction {

src scholae {

# Sites adultes
destination adult {
  domainlist adult/domains
  urllist adult/urls
  log adult

# Sites racistes, antisémites, incitant à la haine
destination agressif {
  domainlist agressif/domains
  urllist agressif/urls
  log agressif

# Sites orientés vers l'audio et la vidéo
destination audio-video {
  domainlist audio-video/domains
  urllist audio-video/urls
  log audio-video

# Blogs
destination blog {
  domainlist blog/domains
  urllist blog/urls
  log blog

# Sites pour désinfecter et mettre à jour des ordinateurs
destination cleaning {
  domainlist cleaning/domains
  urllist cleaning/urls
  log cleaning

# Sites décrivant la fabrication de bombes, de poison, etc.
destination dangerous_material {
  domainlist dangerous_material/domains
  urllist dangerous_material/urls
  log dangerous_material

# Sites de téléchargement
destination download {
  domainlist download/domains
  urllist download/urls
  log download

# Drogue
destination drogue {
  domainlist drogue/domains
  urllist drogue/urls
  log drogue

# Infos financières
destination financial {
  domainlist financial/domains
  urllist financial/urls
  log financial

# Forums
destination forums {
  domainlist forums/domains
  urllist forums/urls
  log forums

# Jeux en ligne, casino
destination gambling {
  domainlist gambling/domains
  urllist gambling/urls
  log gambling

# Sites de piratage et d'agressions informatiques
destination hacking {
  domainlist hacking/domains
  urllist hacking/urls
  log hacking

# Sites éducatifs
destination liste_bu {
  domainlist liste_bu/domains
  urllist liste_bu/urls
  log liste_bu

# Sonneries de mobiles
destination mobile-phone {
  domainlist mobile-phone/domains
  urllist mobile-phone/urls
  log mobile-phone

# Phishing, pièges bancaires, etc.
destination phishing {
  domainlist phishing/domains
  urllist phishing/urls
  log phishing

# Publicité
destination publicite {
  domainlist publicite/domains
  urllist publicite/urls
  log publicite

# Webradio
destination radio {
  domainlist radio/domains
  urllist radio/urls
  log radio

# Redirecteurs 1/3
destination redirector {
  domainlist redirector/domains
  urllist redirector/urls
  log redirector

# Redirecteurs 2/3
destination strict_redirector {
  domainlist strict_redirector/domains
  urllist strict_redirector/urls
  log strict_redirector

# Redirecteurs 3/3
destination strong_redirector {
  domainlist strong_redirector/domains
  urllist strong_redirector/urls
  log strong_redirector

# Sites qui expliquent comme tricher aux examens
destination tricheur {
  domainlist tricheur/domains
  urllist tricheur/urls
  log tricheur

# Warez
destination warez {
  domainlist warez/domains
  urllist warez/urls
  log warez

# Webmail
destination webmail {
  domainlist webmail/domains
  urllist webmail/urls
  log webmail

# Jeux
destination games {
  domainlist games/domains
  urllist games/urls
  log games

# Jeux éducatifs
destination educational_games {
  domainlist educational_games/domains
  urllist educational_games/urls
  log educational_games

# Sites pour adultes
destination mixed_adult {
  domainlist mixed_adult/domains
  urllist mixed_adult/urls
  log mixed_adult

# Sites de téléchargement
destination filehosting {
  domainlist filehosting/domains
  urllist filehosting/urls
  log filehosting

# Changement de propriétaire
destination reaffected {
  domainlist reaffected/domains
  urllist reaffected/urls
  log reaffected

# Éducation sexuelle
destination sexual_education {
  domainlist sexual_education/domains
  urllist sexual_education/urls
  log sexual_education

# Shopping
destination shopping {
  domainlist shopping/domains
  urllist shopping/urls
  log shopping

# Sites de rencontres
destination dating {
  domainlist dating/domains
  urllist dating/urls
  log dating

# Marketing
destination marketingware {
  domainlist marketingware/domains
  urllist marketingware/urls
  log marketingware

# Astrologie
destination astrology {
  domainlist astrology/domains
  urllist astrology/urls
  log astrology

# Sectes
destination sect {
  domainlist sect/domains
  urllist sect/urls
  log sect

# People
destination celebrity {
  domainlist celebrity/domains
  urllist celebrity/urls
  log celebrity

# Mangas
destination manga {
  domainlist manga/domains
  urllist manga/urls
  log manga

# Sites pour les enfants
destination child {
  domainlist child/domains
  urllist child/urls
  log child

# Malwares
destination malware {
  domainlist malware/domains
  urllist malware/urls
  log malware

# Presse en ligne
destination press {
  domainlist press/domains
  urllist press/urls
  log press

# Messagerie instantanée
destination chat {
  domainlist chat/domains
  urllist chat/urls
  log chat

# Prise de contrôle à distance
destination remote-control {
  domainlist remote-control/domains
  urllist remote-control/urls
  log remote-control

# Réseaux sociaux
destination social_networks {
  domainlist social_networks/domains
  urllist social_networks/urls
  log social_networks

# Recherche d'emploi
destination jobsearch {
  domainlist jobsearch/domains
  log jobsearch

# Sport
destination sports {
  domainlist sports/domains
  log sports

# Banque en ligne
destination bank {
  domainlist bank/domains
  log bank

# Paris en ligne
destination arjel {
  domainlist arjel/domains
  log arjel

# Cuisine
destination cooking {
  domainlist cooking/domains
  log cooking

# Lingerie
destination lingerie {
  domainlist lingerie/domains
  urllist lingerie/urls
  log lingerie

# Traduction
destination translation {
  domainlist translation/domains
  urllist translation/urls
  log translation

# Bitcoin
destination bitcoin {
  domainlist bitcoin/domains
  urllist bitcoin/urls
  log bitcoin

# Dialers
destination dialer {
  domainlist dialer/domains
  log dialer

# DDoS
destination ddos {
  domainlist ddos/domains
  log ddos

# Mises à jour
destination update {
  domainlist update/domains
  log update

# Associations religieuses
destination associations_religieuses {
  domainlist associations_religieuses/domains
  log associations_religieuses

# Réduction d'URL
destination shortener {
  domainlist shortener/domains
  urllist shortener/urls
  log shortener

acl {
  direction {
    pass all
  scholae within couvrefeu {
    pass none
  scholae {
    pass !adult
    pass !agressif
    pass audio-video
    pass blog
    pass cleaning
    pass !dangerous_material
    pass !download
    pass !drogue
    pass financial
    pass forums
    pass !gambling
    pass !hacking
    pass liste_bu
    pass !mobile-phone
    pass !phishing
    pass !publicite
    pass radio
    pass !redirector
    pass !strict_redirector
    pass !strong_redirector
    pass !tricheur
    pass !warez
    pass webmail
    pass !games
    pass educational_games
    pass !mixed_adult
    pass !filehosting
    pass !reaffected
    pass sexual_education
    pass !shopping
    pass !dating
    pass !marketingware
    pass astrology
    pass !sect
    pass !celebrity
    pass !manga
    pass child
    pass !malware
    pass press
    pass !chat
    pass !remote-control
    pass social_networks
    pass jobsearch
    pass sports
    pass bank
    pass !arjel
    pass cooking
    pass !lingerie
    pass translation
    pass !bitcoin
    pass !dialer
    pass !ddos
    pass update
    pass !associations_religieuses
    pass !shortener
  default {
    pass none


Microlinux - Solutions informatiques durables
7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
Site : https://www.microlinux.fr
Blog : https://blog.microlinux.fr
Mail : info at microlinux.fr
Tél. : 04 66 63 10 32

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