[squid-users] store_id_extras and http Request Headers

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Thu Jul 19 14:46:27 UTC 2018

On 07/19/2018 05:58 AM, Michael Pro wrote:
> Not only I have this problem
> http://lists.squid-cache.org/pipermail/squid-users/2018-July/018637.html
> Is it worthwhile in the near future to expect to fix this bug, or to
> hook, I hope temporarily, a bunch of icap-> mysql <->
> store_id_program?

I am not sure I understand the question -- only you can decide what is
worthwhile. FWIW, I am not aware of anybody working on this bug. In
fact, I am not sure this bug has even been properly reported (as
requested in the thread you linked to above).



> ср, 18 июл. 2018 г. в 23:35, Alex Rousskov <rousskov at measurement-factory.com>:
>> On 07/18/2018 02:29 PM, Michael Pro wrote:
>>> In squid.conf
>>> store_id_extras "%>a/%>A %un %>rm %>h myip=%la myport=%lp
>>> %{User-Agent}>h %{Referer}>h %{Host}>h %>rP"
>>> Result incoming parameters in store_id_program are:
>>> 0:  https://2ip.ua/images/icon/IP_calculator.png <--- (requested url)
>>> 1:  <--- %>a/%>A
>>> 2:  -           <--- %un (this is ok, absent at all)
>>> 3:  GET  <--- %>rm
>>> 4:  -           <----- %>h ---> Where are they !?!?!?
>>> 5:  myip=
>>> 6:  myport=20990
>>> 7:  Mozilla/5.0%20(iPhone;%20CPU%20iPhone%20OS%2...  <--- %{User-Agent}>h
>>> 8:  https://2ip.ua/ru/  <--- {Referer}>h
>>> 9:  2ip.ua  <--- %{Host}>h
>>> 10: 443  <--- %>rP
>>> How do I get all the request header fields?
>>> I do not need any separate, I need all fields in the request header.
>> The lack of %>h output when %{Name}>h output is present looks like a
>> Squid bug to me -- %>h output should be there as well.
>> Alex.

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