[squid-users] parse URL too large (10001 bytes) error

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Jul 13 20:18:41 UTC 2018

On 13/07/18 13:25, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
> I am seeing from google video links in the cache.log at squid 4.1:
> 2018/07/13 03:31:39 kid1| parse URL too large (10016 bytes)
> 2018/07/13 03:31:42 kid1| parse URL too large (10001 bytes)
> I will file a report later.

This has been an issue since the early 2000's and there is already many
bug reports about it. The current tracker one is:


FWIW: Squid already supports the 8000 char URL size required by specs.
Anything above that is just feature enhancement.

Also, applications which cannot cope with systems restricted to 8000
byte URLs are non-compliant with HTTP specs. Google Chrome devs helped
write decide that specific text be 8000 instead of the older 4000, so
the client should better work with the response Squid produces after
that log entry.


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