[squid-users] minimize squid memory usage

Leonardo Rodrigues leolistas at solutti.com.br
Tue Jul 10 14:43:12 UTC 2018

Em 09/07/18 20:45, Gordon Hsiao escreveu:
> Assuming I need _absolutely_ no cache what-so-ever(to the point to 
> change compile flags to disable that, if needed), no store-to-disk 
> neither, i.e. no objects need to be cached at all. I just need Squid 
> to check a few ACLs with absolutely minimal memory usage for now, what 
> else am I missing to get that work?
     If you don't need everything that squid can offer, maybe using 
other proxy software can be a better option. There are other software, 
with less options, that for sure will have a smaller memory footprint. 
But as you just need ACL capabilities, maybe those can be enough.

     Have you tried checking that ?


	Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
	Leonardo Rodrigues
	Solutti Tecnologia

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