[squid-users] squid 4.1 default queue-size should consider concurrency

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Jul 3 08:16:23 UTC 2018

On 03/07/18 20:00, Amish wrote:
> Hello,
> In squid 4.1 new option "queue-size" was introduced.
> In most (or all) cases default "queue-size" is set to children-max*2.
> But I believe it should be higher of (children-max*2) OR (concurrency*2)
> Or it can be some better formula but the point I am trying to make is
> that, "concurrency" should be taken in to account for calculating
> default value of "queue-size".
> Please consider.

FYI; When we add a directive or option to control some behaviour that
already happens the default is usually set to the value all existing
Squid are using so nobody gets an unexpected surprise with upgrade.

That can change later once more people have experimented to find what a
better value actually is.


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