[squid-users] Question with ACL and UrlRewrite ?

Aismel aismel.valle at museomusica.cult.cu
Tue Jan 16 21:17:42 UTC 2018



I need allow  all my users navigate through internet but starting at 14:00pm
to 20:00pm to X pages only so before no one can access to that X pages.


I need redirect when a user ask www.facebook.com <http://www.facebook.com>
to m.facebook.com


I found this script but do not why don't work



$mirror = "m.facebook.com";


$| = 1;

while (<>) {

    @line = split;

    $_ = $line[0];

    if (m/^http:\/\/((?:[a-z0-9]+\.)?\.facebook\.com)\/(.*)/ &&

        $1 ne $mirror) {

        print "http://" . $mirror . "/" . $2 . "\n";

    } else {

        print $_ . "\n";




Pd: I set the chmod +x to the script.


Thanks any help


Best regards

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