[squid-users] force full download and limit bandwith

joseph chip_pop at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 14 14:23:54 UTC 2018

if the client   exit download  squid will force full speed on obj dose not
stay  at that rate

acl limit_ext_bandwith url_regex \.esd \.exe
delay_pools 1 
delay_class 1 1 
delay_parameters 1 128000/128000 
delay_access 1 allow limit_ext_bandwith 
delay_access 1 deny all 

range_offset_limit -1 limit_ext_bandwith
quick_abort_min -1 
quick_abort_max 0 KB 
quick_abort_pct 100 

this work fine  it keep downloading 128KB   until the client exit squid will
continue at full speed of the main bandwidth
is it bug  or im missing something ??
so i need to force cache full obj  at that specific rate  even if the client

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