[squid-users] want ignore if the ips added to the interface and force running it

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu Jan 11 10:07:40 UTC 2018

On 11/01/18 21:50, --Ahmad-- wrote:
> must the ip be attached on os interface so that squid use it as outgoing 
> address ?
> can squid use outgoing address that not being attached to the interface ?

No it cannot.

But that is also why the config I suggested works where the one you 
attempted does not.

The ACL is what determines whether Squid attempts to bind an IP and it 
will never match *until* there is inbound traffic actually arriving with 
that local-IP.

So you configure Squid up-front with the IPs you are going to maybe 
assign. Then after Squid is running you assign and de-assign as 
necessary from that set, no need to reconfigure Squid constantly.

> i tried to outgoing address that not attached but squid gave an error :
> 2018/01/11 04:42:36 kid1| commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 11622 to 
> [2abc:5ad1:1bc6:bc09:d18a:5fb4:239a:6277]: (99) Cannot assign requested 
> address
> whats your thoughts ?

I think the above is not IPv4. So your IPv4 specific settings are not 


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