[squid-users] how can i provide outgoing ip address of a client public ip address for every client ?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Wed Feb 21 20:13:26 UTC 2018

On 22/02/18 03:04, Yavuz Maşlak wrote:
> Hi
> I have some clients that have their own public ip addresses.  They will use
> a Proxy server. 
> When a client reach to internet, I want squid to provide that client should
> reach internet with  own ip address instead of squid 's ip address.
> How can i do that ? 

Firstly, the client is not "reaching the Internet". The client is
reaching your Squid.

How is the client reaching your Squid?

How is the rest of the Internet to know that response traffic coming
from that client IP is actually to be delivered to your Squid?


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