[squid-users] Creating New Log File

McCarty, Kelly Kelly.McCarty at staff.fraserk12.org
Fri Feb 16 15:46:22 UTC 2018

We are running a squid on a linux box. Webmin version 1.610.

I want to create a new log file within our Squid to trace traffic going to a specific site or url and I am a novice when it comes to the squid. Are there any easy directions to create this type of log? An outside vendor created one a couple years ago, but he is no longer with that company. I know I can access the one he created which logs information going/coming from a specific website through others/var/log/squid3, but I don't see how he created it so I can do another, or if I can modify the one he created back then since I don't need it anymore.


Kelly McCarty
Network Engineer
Fraser Public Schools
(586) 439-7147 Office
kelly.mccarty at staff.fraserk12.org<mailto:kelly.mccarty at staff.fraserk12.org> Email
http://www.fraser.k12.mi.us<http://www.fraser.k12.mi.us/> Website

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