[squid-users] Squid transparent with SSL interception - CA certificate problem

Roberto Carna robertocarna36 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 13:30:21 UTC 2018

People, I've setup a transparent Squid proxy for WiFi clients. I'm
using SSL interception so I had to generate a CA private certificate
(generated from pfSense certificate manager tab).

But when I add this CA private certificate to several Android an
Iphone devices, some of the Android devices don't work correctly:
Facebook an Instagram don't load the profiles and Mercadolibre doesn't
open the menu. In the other Android and Iphone devices, everything
works OK.

Can this problem be related to the CA certificate (maybe I have to use
a given digest algorithm and key lenght) or is this an Android
intrinsec problem depending of OS version???

Thanks a lot.


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