[squid-users] Do I need to be technical to use squid proxy?

Adam Majer amajer at suse.de
Thu Aug 16 06:41:33 UTC 2018

On 08/15/2018 08:34 PM, Oldman wrote:
> No sir I do not understand that is why I am here trying to just come up with
> some configuration that helps me keep the squid swimming :)
> About being dangerous  please guide me what to remove or add  
> I suppose you are telling me that
>> acl SSL_ports port 1-65535 
>> acl Safe_ports port 1-65535
> Are dangerous ?  Please guide me should I remove them all?

It's dangerous to run random code from random site. The things you list

wget -O /etc/squid/squid.conf

which is a big WTF in the first place.

1. the --no-check-certificate flag
2. the file there is different from the repository file

If you want to install squid, install it from your distribution's
source, not just run some random program you find in Google's search
engine. All distros have squid available. And at least those squid
versions don't come with malicious config files.

Best of luck,

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