[squid-users] Squid 3.5.27 - While access https website, always "Your connection is not secure"

fourirakbar fourir.akbar at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 03:52:27 UTC 2018

Thank you Amos.

> In short, do not do any of the above liens up to and including 
> "http_access allow all". 'insecure' is the least of your worries with 
> this as it currently is

Why I use http_access allow all is, at least I can access https website
first. Then I certainly use acl, and didn't use http_access allow all again

> The Browser needs to trust the CA "Internet Widgets Pty Ltd". One 
> assumes that is the name of the issuer CA you created and put in 
> /etc/squid/ssl_cert/myCA.pem. 

> This is why all our tutorials at some point mention** the requirement to 
> add your custom CA to the client machine/software. SSL-Bump decryption 
> (bump, client-first and server-first actions) *will not* work without 
> that having been done. If you do not do that part the result is exactly 
> what you see happening.

So how make the correct configuration in squid to let client access https
website? I've struggle about this configuration

Thank you very much

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