[squid-users] very slow squid response

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Tue Sep 19 10:34:37 UTC 2017

On Tuesday 19 September 2017 at 11:18:34, Iraj Norouzi wrote:

> hi everybody
> i setup squid on ubuntu and centos

Why both?

> with tproxy and wccp for 6 gb/s traffic

What hardware are you using for that sort of traffic flow?

> but when i try to test squid with 40 mb/s traffic

How are you generating "40 mb/s traffic"?  I'm assuming that your Internet 
connection is 6Gbps as stated above, so how are you restricting this down to 
40Mbps for testing?

> it response very slow

Numbers please.

> while when i use direct browsing i can browse websites very fast

Is the direct traffic still being routed through the Squid server (you say 
you're using tproxy, so I assume this is an intercept machine with the traffic 
going through it between client and server)?

> i used tcpdump for tracing connections arrive time and there was no problem,

Arrival time where?  From the origin server to Squid?  From Squid to the 
client?  What are you actually measuring?

> i used watch -d for tracing packets match by iptables rules and it was ok,

Please be more specific - what did you measure and what does "OK" mean?

Did you compare with and without Squid in place to see what differs?

> i also used iptables trace command for tracing matching iptables rules,
> there was no problem except i had latency on arriving packets on iptables
> rule while tcpdump captured packets fast, it happened when my browsing was
> so slow, at some times that my browsing was fast there was no latency on
> iptables trace log.

That description is too vague to know exactly what you were measuring and what 
results you got.

> i also used tcp and linux enhancement configurations


> but nothing happened.
> wccp send packets very well and tcpdump show capturing packets too but
> browsing with squid is very slow.

Firstly, please define "slow" - do you mean it takes a long time for new web 
pages / images / etc to appear (but once they start, they arrive quickly), or 
do you mean that a continuous stream of data (a "download") arrives more 
slowly when going through Squid than going direct (and if so, what are the 
different speeds)?

Secondly, what are you trying to achieve with Squid - what is its purpose in 
your network?

> please help me.

Please help us - give us more details about the hardware you're running this 
on, the version of Squid you're using, what WCCP routing / filtering you're 
doing, the measurements you've made and the results you got.



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