[squid-users] get many logentries "ACL is used in context without an ALE state. Assuming mismatch" after upgrade from 3.5 to 4.0.21 when using external helper

Dieter Bloms squid at bloms.de
Thu Sep 14 06:08:26 UTC 2017


I used external helper with squid 3.5.xx several years without any
Now I tried to upgrade to squid 4.0.21 and squid seems to work fine, but
I get many logentries like:

2017/09/14 07:43:12 kid3| WARNING: blockhostsdomain ACL is used in context without an ALE state. Assuming mismatch.
2017/09/14 07:43:12 kid3| WARNING: blockhostsip ACL is used in context without an ALE state. Assuming mismatch.
2017/09/14 07:44:12 kid4| WARNING: blockhostsdomain ACL is used in context without an ALE state. Assuming mismatch.
2017/09/14 07:44:12 kid4| WARNING: blockhostsip ACL is used in context without an ALE state. Assuming mismatch.

when I switched the acls to a file list, the warnings are gone.

my acls for external helpers look like:

external_acl_type blockhostiptype ttl=3600 negative_ttl=3600 grace=50 children-max=10 children-startup=2 %DST /usr/bin/dnsbl-ip.pl bl
acl blockhostsip external blockhostiptype
external_acl_type blockhostdomaintype ttl=3600 negative_ttl=3600 grace=50 children-max=10 children-startup=2 %DST /usr/bin/dnsbl.pl dbl
acl blockhostsdomain external blockhostdomaintype

when I replaced to above lines with this two, the warnings are gone:

acl blockhostsip dst "/etc/squid/blockhosts.ips"
acl blockhostsdomain dstdomain "/etc/squid/blockhosts.domains"

but I want to use the external helpers, because the lists were updated
many times a day and a reconfigure of squid has an impact of 2-3 seconds.

As I said before, squid works fine and checks the acls, but I get many
warnings in the cache.log and don't know the cause of it.



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