[squid-users] SQUID memory error after vm.swappines changed from 60 to 10

Marcus Kool marcus.kool at urlfilterdb.com
Fri Nov 10 22:11:47 UTC 2017

On 10/11/17 12:11, Bike dernikov1 wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Marcus Kool <marcus.kool at urlfilterdb.com> wrote:
>> On 09/11/17 11:04, Bike dernikov1 wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>>> Memory compsumption:squid use largest part of memory  (12GB now,
>>>>> second proces use 300MB memory), 14GB used by all process. So squid
>>>>> use over 80% of total used memory.
>>>>> So no there are not any problematic process. But we changed swappiness
>>>>> settings.
>>>> Did you monitor Squid for growth (it can start with 12 GB and grow
>>>> slowly) ?
>>> Yes we are monitoring continuosly.
>>> Now:
>>> Output from free -m.
>>>              total       used    free   shared  buff/cache  available
>>> Mem:  24101     20507  256    146      3337         3034
>>> Swap: 24561      5040   19521
>>> vm.swappiness=40
>>> Memory by process:
>>> squid  Virt       RES   SHR  MEM%
>>>              22,9G  18.7   8164   79,6
>> Hmm. Squid grew from 12 GB to 18.7 GB (23 GB virtual).
> Today problem appeared again after logrotate at 2.56AM.
> Used memory was at peek 23,7GB.

ok. it is clear that Squid grows too much.
On a 24GB system with many helpers and a URL filter I think the maximum size should be 14GB.

> Before logrorate started, cached was at 2GB, buffer at 1,5GB.
> After logrorate started cache jumped to 3.7GB and buffer unchanged at 1,5GB.
> Fork errors stopped after 1 minute. At 2:57.
> cache memory dropped by 500MB  to 3.2GB and continued at same level
> till morning, buffer  same at 1.5GB.
> After 4 at 3:00 minutes new WARNING appeared. external ACL queue
> overload. Using stale results.
> We have night shift and they told us that Internet worked ok.
> After restart at around 7.00AM used memory dropped from 22 GB to 7GB,
> cache and buffer remain at same levels.

How come Squid uses 7 GB at startup when there is no disk cache ?

>> With vm.swappiness=40 Linux starts to page out parts of processes when they
>> occupy more than 60% of the memory.
>> This is a potential bottleneck and I would have also decreased vm.swappiness
>> to 10 as you did.
>> My guess is that Squid starts too many helpers in a short time frame and
>> that because of paging there are too many forks in progress simultaneously
>> which causes the memory exhaustion.
> We are now testing with 100 helpers for negotiate_kerberos_auth.
> vm.swappiness returned to 60.
>> I suggest to reduce the memory cache of Squid by 50% and set vm.swappiness
>> to 20.
> Squid cache memory is set at 14GB reduced from 16GB from 20GB  in two turns.

are you saying that you have
    cache_mem 14G
If yes, you should read the memory FAQ and reduce this.
'cache_mem 14G' explains that Squid starts 'small' and grows over time.

>> And then observe:
>> - total memory use
>> - total swap usage (should be lower than the 5 GB that you have now)
>> - number of helper processes that are started in short time frames
>> And then in small steps increase the memory cache and maybe further reduce
>> vm.swappiness to 10.
> If we survive with actual setup, we will continue with reducing as you suggest.
> Last extreme will be swap disable swappof but just for test with 6
> eyes on monitoring :)
>>> squidguard two process  300MB boths,.
>>> CPU 0.33 0.37 0.43
>>>> Squid cannot fork and higher swappiness increases the amount of memory
>>>> that
>>>> the OS can use to copy processes.
>>>> It makes me think that you have the memory overcommit set to 2 (no
>>>> overcommit).
>>>> What is the output of the following command ?
>>>>      sysctl  -a | grep overcommit
>>> Command output:
>>> vm.nr_overcommit_hugepages = 0
>>> vm.overcommit_kbytes = 0
>>> vm.overcommit_memory = 0
>>> vm.overcommit_ratio = 50
>>> cat /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
>>> 0
>> The overcommit settings look fine.
> At least something right :)
>>>>> Advice for some settings:
>>>>> We have absolute max peak of  2500 users which user squid (of 2800),
>>>>> what are recomended settings for:
>>>>> negotiate_kerberos_children start/idle
>>>>> squidguard helpers.
>>>> I have little experience with kerberos, but most likely this is not the
>>>> issue.
>>>> When Squid cannot fork the helpers, helper settings do not matter much.
>>>> For 2500 users you probably need 32-64 squidguard helpers.
>>> Can you confirm: For 2500 users:
>>> url_rewrite children X (squidguard)  32-64 will be ok ? We have set
>>> much larger number.
> Squidguard url_rewrite children was set to 64.
>> Did I understand it correctly that earlier in this reply you said that there
>> are two squidguard processes (300 MB each).
> Yes (first two process in htop, two rewrite childrens) others was on 0.0%.
>> ufdbGuard is faster than squidGuard and has multithreaded helpers.
>> ufdbGuard needs less helpers than squidGuard.
>> If you have a much larger number than 64 url rewrite helpers than I suggest
>> to switch to ufdbGuard as soon as possible since the memory usage is then at
>> least 600% less.
> UfdbGuard have few strong features. Development, kerberos,
> concurency/multitreading.
> As i wrote, if we read documentation slower we wouldn't
> Do ufdbGuard supoort ldap secure auth ? We tried ldap secure with
> squidguard without success.

ufdbGuard supports any user database with the "execuserlist" feature.
See the Reference Manual for details.

>>> For  helper:
>>> negotitate_kerberos_auth
>>> auth_param negotiate children X startup Y idle Z. What X, Y, Z are
>>> best for our user number ?
>>> We disabled kerberos replay cache because of disk performance (4 SAS
>>> DISK  15K, RAID 10) (iowait jumped high, and CPU load jumped to min
>>> 40 max 200).
>>> We don't use disk caching.
>>> Thanks for help,
>>>> Marcus
>>>>> Thanks for help,
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:53 AM, Marcus Kool
>>>>> <marcus.kool at urlfilterdb.com> wrote:
>>>>>> There is definitely a problem with available memory because Squid
>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>> fork.
>>>>>> So start with looking at how much memory Squid and its helpers use.
>>>>>> Do do have other processes on this system that consume a lot of memory
>>>>>> ?
>>>>>> Also note that ufdbGuard uses less memory that squidGuard.
>>>>>> If there are 30 helpers squidguard uses 300% more memory than
>>>>>> ufdbGuard.
>>>>>> Look at the wiki for more information about memory usage:
>>>>>> https://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/SquidMemory   (currently has an
>>>>>> expired certificate but it is safe to go ahead)
>>>>>> Marcus
>>>>>> On 08/11/17 07:26, Bike dernikov1 wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, I hope that someone can explain what happened, why squid stopped
>>>>>>> working.
>>>>>>> The problem is related to  memory/swap handling.
>>>>>>> After we changed vm.swappiness parameter from 60 to 10 (tuning
>>>>>>> attempt, to lower a disk usage, because we have only 4 disks in a
>>>>>>> RAID10, so disk subsystem  is a weak link), we got a lot of errors in
>>>>>>> cache.log.
>>>>>>> The problems started after scheduled logrotate after  2AM.
>>>>>>> Squid ran out of memory, auth helpers stopped working.
>>>>>>> It's weird because we didn't disable swap, but behavior is like we
>>>>>>> did.
>>>>>>> After an error, we increased parameter from 10 to 40.
>>>>>>> The server has 24GB DDR3 memory,  disk swap set to 24GB, 12 CPU (24HT
>>>>>>> cores).
>>>>>>> We have 2800 users, using  kerberos authentication, squidguard for
>>>>>>> filtering, ldap authorization.
>>>>>>> When problem appeared memory was still 3GB free (free column), ram
>>>>>>> (caching) was filled to 15GB, so 21 GB ram filled, 3GB free.
>>>>>>> Thanks for help,
>>>>>>> errors from cache.log.
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:27| Set Current Directory to /var/log/squid/
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:27 kid1| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:27 kid1|   Finished.  Wrote 0 entries.
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:27 kid1|   Took 0.00 seconds (  0.00 entries/sec).
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:27 kid1| logfileRotate:
>>>>>>> daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:27 kid1| logfileRotate:
>>>>>>> daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| Pinger socket opened on FD 30
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 1/1000
>>>>>>> 'squidGuard' processes
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| ipcCreate: fork: (12) Cannot allocate memory
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| WARNING: Cannot run '/usr/bin/squidGuard'
>>>>>>> process.
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| helperOpenServers: Starting 300/3000
>>>>>>> 'negotiate_kerberos_auth' processes
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| ipcCreate: fork: (12) Cannot allocate memory
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| WARNING: Cannot run
>>>>>>> '/usr/lib/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth' process.
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| ipcCreate: fork: (12) Cannot allocate memory
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| WARNING: Cannot run
>>>>>>> '/usr/lib/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth' process.
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| ipcCreate: fork: (12) Cannot allocate memory
>>>>>>> 2017/11/08 02:55:28 kid1| WARNING: Cannot run
>>>>>>> '/usr/lib/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth' process.
>>>>>>> external ACL 'memberof' queue overload. Using stale result.
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