[squid-users] window media player can not play .wax file via Squid proxy

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Mon Nov 6 12:36:07 UTC 2017

On Monday 06 November 2017 at 12:22:11, Nilesh Gavali wrote:

> Hi Team.
> We are having squid deployed for users which work well for browsing
> internet. Recently we received complaint from some users who access one of
> the vendor URL to listen audio recordings.
> The procedure they follow as
> login to Vendor portal URL via squid proxy
> select recording option
> select recording , it will get downloaded as .wax file
> user open .wax file in media player after which they get error message as
> unable to play media.
> I checked the .wax file which contains link to media file on their same
> portal URL. but window media player cant access it.

What type of URL is it?  HTTP?  HTTPS?  Something else?

> Not sure what is wrong here. I traced squid access logs and able to see
> the request going to vendor portal

Which request?

The browser request for the .wax file, or the media player request for the 
actual media file?

> but still window media player cant play this file

It basically sounds as though either:

 -  Windows media player is trying to access a URL directly without going 
through the proxy, or

 - Windows media player is requesting a URL type which Squid can't handle

Tell us what URLs you're seeing in the access log, and what URL is contained 
in the .wax file - that might give us more of a clue.


Douglas was one of those writers who honourably failed to get anywhere with 
'weekending'.  It put a premium on people who could write things that lasted 
thirty seconds, and Douglas was incapable of writing a single sentence that 
lasted less than thirty seconds.

 - Geoffrey Perkins, about Douglas Adams

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