[squid-users] Documentation for squidclient?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Thu May 18 21:12:33 UTC 2017

On 19/05/17 01:20, erdosain9 wrote:
> And... for last....
> How i read this??
> Delay pools configured: 5
> Pool: 1
> 	Class: 2
> 	Aggregate:
> 		Max: 1000000
> 		Restore: 1000000
> 		Current: 1000000
> 	Individual:
> 		Max: 512000
> 		Restore: 50000
> 		Current: 124:512000 67:512000 120:512000 127:512000 9:512000 26:214810
> 64:512000 169:512000 156:512000

For each delay pool in your squid.conf it describes the details you have 

The "Current:" section lists the number of active connections which are 
using that pool, and how much bandwidth each has available.
eg, clients #124, 67, 120, 127, 9, 64, 169, 156 are connected by not 
used any bandwidth this second. Whereas client #26 has used about half 
their allocation.


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