[squid-users] ICAP Persistent Connections vs Retries (with code review)

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri May 12 01:30:39 UTC 2017

On 12/05/17 12:49, Juan Ramírez wrote:
> Hi,
> Mi name is Juan, I am a Software Engineer from Uruguay. I think this 
> message is more suited to the squid-dev mailing list due to the 
> developer-oriented nature of the message but, given that the 
> development list is for people who actually contributes code to Squid, 
> I chose to post here.

Membership is for those people, the list itself acts as a focal point 
for anyone such as yourself with this query to contact them without 
having to know particular peoples contacts.

As to your issue;

Requests which are not retriable are not able to be re-sent if it turns 
out they got even partially delivered on a pre-opened persistent 
connection which happened to be in the process of closing by the other 
endpoint unknown to Squid. For example if the timing of the write to 
deliver the ICAP RESPMOD headers overlapped with the TCP FIN/RST packets 
coming from a router along the network path, or the ICAP service itself.

As such those requests need a new TCP connection to be opened to 
guarantee the absence of immediate closure. When they complete with 
their transaction it gets added to the pool for other traffic to use if 
they can.

The behaviour which you describe was designed to prevent the ICAP pool 
from absorbing all available TCP resources through these constant brand 
new TCP connections being needed then added to the pool. Which would 
leave the proxy unable to receive HTTP traffic as there would be no TCP 
sockets/ports available for non-ICAP connections.

If your service only (or mostly) has non-retriable transactions occuring 
it can be more efficient to disable persistence o speed up the turn 
around on TCP socket closures. Persistence is useful for when you have 
many retriable transactions occuring which can use pooled connections 
and be re-tried if something barfs at the TCP level.

As far as I know RESPMOD transactions should all be retriable unless the 
body payload length is unknown at the HTTP level (lack of Content-Length 

They can also become non-retriable when the response from the ICAP 
server has been received by Squid and already started delivery to the 
HTTP client. That is the noteCommRead call - to prevent the connection 
being pooled if the connection suddenly closes before it completes. This 
should not have any effect on whether a pooled connection was used to 
start with, but will affect whether a pooled connection gets used on the 
retry attempt to prevent the same issue/delay repeating indefinitely to 
the same client.

(PS. Alex knows a lot more about the details of this design than me, so 
if he says anything contradicting the above go with his).


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