[squid-users] Data usage reported in log files

Yuri Voinov yvoinov at gmail.com
Fri Mar 10 21:49:09 UTC 2017

11.03.2017 3:43, Antony Stone пишет:
> On Friday 10 March 2017 at 22:33:44, Yuri Voinov wrote:
>> We have not seen the network topology and the full configuration of
>> network devices - what are we arguing about and guessing about?
> Nobody is arguing, and we are guessing so that we might be helpful to Yosi who 
> asked the question.
Guessing can be worse than a lack of response. As they take them away
from the true picture. Especially when you do not have any facts.
> Incidentally, please could you consider putting all of your comments (which 
> are unrelated to further replies from other people) into a single posting, 
> instead of sending, for example, four emails to the list, each replying only 
> to your own previous comment?
> That would make things far easier to follow in the conversation.
I'll think about it in the future. I usually do not get into the
discussion here, except for very rare cases.
> Thanks,
> Antony.

Bugs to the Future
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