[squid-users] squid ssl bump and Adobe Connect

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Jun 6 12:02:22 UTC 2017

On 06/06/17 18:08, Vieri wrote:
> ________________________________
> From: Alex Rousskov <rousskov at measurement-factory.com>
>>> 1496665088.143      6 TAG_NONE/400 4428 NONE error:invalid-request - HIER_NONE/-
>>> text/html>
>> I recommend finding the place in the debugging cache.log where Squid
>> generates the above error response and then going backwards to find the
>> cause.
> OK Alex, got it.
> In the meantime, I searched for the events around the time this happened.
> BTW as a side question I'd like to know if I can change the timestamp in cache.log so it can print the unixtime as in access.log.
> In any case, here's the relevant part:
> [Mon Jun  5 14:18:08 2017].143      6 TAG_NONE/400 4428 NONE error:invalid-request - HIER_NONE/- text/html
> cache.log within 14:18:08:

> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 83,2| client_side.cc(3796) clientNegotiateSSL: clientNegotiateSSL: New session 0x80e80e30 on FD 29 (
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 83,3| client_side.cc(3800) clientNegotiateSSL: clientNegotiateSSL: FD 29 negotiated cipher AES128-SHA
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 83,5| client_side.cc(3816) clientNegotiateSSL: clientNegotiateSSL: FD 29 has no certificate.
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 33,4| client_side.cc(231) readSomeData: local= remote= FD 29 flags=17: reading request...
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 33,5| AsyncCall.cc(26) AsyncCall: The AsyncCall ConnStateData::clientReadRequest constructed, this=0x80e80578 [call2567]
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 5,5| Read.cc(58) comm_read_base: comm_read, queueing read for local= remote= FD 29 flags=17; asynCall 0x80e80578*1
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.129 kid1| 5,5| ModEpoll.cc(116) SetSelect: FD 29, type=1, handler=1, client_data=0x808b48b8, timeout=0
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.135 kid1| 5,3| IoCallback.cc(116) finish: called for local= remote= FD 29 flags=17 (0, 0)
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.135 kid1| 33,5| AsyncCall.cc(93) ScheduleCall: IoCallback.cc(135) will call ConnStateData::clientReadRequest(local= remote= FD 29 flags=17, data=0x80e07e00) [call2567]
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.135 kid1| 33,5| AsyncCallQueue.cc(55) fireNext: entering ConnStateData::clientReadRequest(local= remote= FD 29 flags=17, data=0x80e07e00)
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.135 kid1| 33,5| AsyncCall.cc(38) make: make call ConnStateData::clientReadRequest [call2567]
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.135 kid1| 33,5| AsyncJob.cc(123) callStart: Http::Server status in: [ job56]
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 33,5| client_side.cc(3251) clientReadRequest: local= remote= FD 29 flags=17
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 29 read 5 <= 5
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 83,5| bio.cc(118) read: FD 29 read 1568 <= 1568
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 83,2| support.cc(1364) ssl_read_method: SSL FD 29 is pending

FD 29 went through SSL-Bump processing and was bump'ed. An HTTPS request 
message is now expected to arrive.

> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 5,3| Read.cc(91) ReadNow: local= remote= FD 29 flags=17, size 66, retval 66, errno 0
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 33,5| client_side.cc(3200) clientParseRequests: local= remote= FD 29 flags=17: attempting to parse

... 66 bytes arrive ...

> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 74,5| HttpParser.cc(37) reset: Request buffer is
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 74,5| HttpParser.cc(47) parseRequestFirstLine: parsing possible request:
> 2017/06/05 14:18:08.136 kid1| 74,5| HttpParser.cc(257) HttpParserParseReqLine: Parser: retval -1: from 0->4: method 0->-1; url -1->-1; version -1->-1 (0/0)

The first 4 bytes were ones which cannot exist at the start if any HTTP 
message - so the protocol being bumped on port 443 was not HTTPS.

Squid then proceeds to generate and send the invalid-request error 
response to this non-HTTPS over port 443.


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