[squid-users] this config is ok? is ok the order?

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Mon Jun 5 15:47:57 UTC 2017

On Monday 05 June 2017 08:24:00 erdosain9 wrote:

> mmm... and what you think about this
> dig -x google.com

Firstly, I think "what is this supposed to mean?"

dig -x is for reverse lookups - you give it an address and it tells you what 
name has been assigned in a PTR record (as opposed to a forward lookup, which 
takes a name and tells you what address/s have been assigned in A or AAAA 

Therefore "dig -x" with a name makes no sense to me.

> in-addr.arpa.		900	IN	SOA	b.in-addr-servers.arpa. nstld.iana.org. 
> 1800 900 604800 3600

> We have, little time? about 15', this is a problem, dont you think?

That's the TTL for lookups on a *root* name server - in fact I'm slightly 
surprised it's even as long as 15 minutes.

A large TTL on root name servers would prevent the rest of the Internet from 
finding out about new name/address assignments in a timely manner.

> Or im using bad dig??

Yes, I think that's the problem.

> what would be a good value???

What would be a good value for what?

What are you trying to achieve / find out?


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