[squid-users] dumb question: how to get http server IP into logs?

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Mon Jul 31 10:22:24 UTC 2017

On 30/07/17 22:02, Jason Haar wrote:
> Hi there
> We're running squid-3.5.23 and use ICAP (if that makes a difference)
> We also use logformat to include certain details in the logs - but I 
> can't see an option for including the actual IP address that squid uses 
> when attempting to fulfil an URL request. eg squid gets told to go to 
> twitter.com <http://twitter.com>, resolves that to 4 IPs, tries 1st - 
> fails, tries 2nd - succeeds. I'd like to record that IP in the logs 
> along with everything else. I can see variables for recording the client 
> and squid-server IP - but not the web server?
> Is that possible? I'm sure older (3.2) squid used to do that by default? 
> (DIRECT/ <>). All our logs are now "HIER_DIRECT"

The code you are looking for is %<a .
"Server IP address of the last server or peer connection"


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