[squid-users] youtube videos and squid

Sergei G sergeig.public at gmail.com
Mon Jul 17 20:05:10 UTC 2017

Thank you for saving me time and effort.

I ended up following advice of downloading youtube movies to home computer
and serving from it.

My choice was EMBY server for windows https://emby.media/windows-server.html
although a couple others were good options as well.

I bought Emby app for iPad and I use a download extension for Chrome to get
720p resolution videos.  The content is static, but my drive is big and I
feel that this way I can approve some of the content.  It certainly costs
my time go get content to Emby server.

I could try installing Emby on Raspberry PI 3, but I decided against it.
It was more work, the download workflow had a more complicated step of
moving video from PC to RPI.  I was not sure if RPI could be responsive
with its decoding.

The setup works.

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 7:15 AM, Eliezer Croitoru <eliezer at ngtech.co.il>

> Hey Amos, Sergei,
> I managed to write an ICAP service which works with a ruby\golang StorID
> helper and a redis DB that can help with the caching of YouTube videos.
> However despite to the fact that I am able to tag urls with StoreID  squid
> is still not responding with a cache HIT but fetching from the original
> sources.
> There are couple obstacles in this field and this specific solution I
> wrote is designed for PC and not IPAD or Andorid Based devices.
> There is an issue with Android 6+(7..) and IOS 10 based devices which for
> some reason do not cope with SSL traffic interception.
> If you do have a tiny server and you can run a tiny http service with
> nginx\apache I would recommend you to download the videos and serve them
> locally using chrome or another browser which works.
> I found it more useful then intercepting and caching also, kids are
> usually enjoying from a more "stable" stash of movies\videos then others.
> They can watch the same video over and over and it would be fun for them.
> The teenagers are having issue's watching the same video over and over so..
> I can recommend on a nice wordpress theme which can fit a "VOD" site and a
> video downloader which you can use to download specific videos or playlists.
> This solution would be something like "netflix on a stick" and is very
> effective with a raspberry pi 3 with some external USB HDD.
> I would be happy to get any response to any of the ideas.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Eliezer
>  * If you are willing to devote some time to debug the issue with the
> current helpers let me know and bump me if you think I missed an email and
> didn't responded(it happens when you have kids...)
> ----
> Eliezer Croitoru
> Linux System Administrator
> Mobile: +972-5-28704261
> Email: eliezer at ngtech.co.il
> -----Original Message-----
> From: squid-users [mailto:squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org] On
> Behalf Of Amos Jeffries
> Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 11:32
> To: squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] youtube videos and squid
> On 07/07/17 15:40, Sergei G wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I have a very specific scenario in mind to use squid for.
> >
> > I have 2 kids (2.5 and 4 years old) that are watching iPads and really
> > using available Comcast bandwidth.  It does not help that they sometimes
> > just leave those iPads running.
> >
> > They tend to re-watch youtube videos (click on the same icon that they
> > liked before).  And that makes me think that squid could help me with
> > caching off youtube content.  Am I correct?
> Possibly. Google have actively been making it more difficult every year
> for quite a while.
> These days it requires intercepting the YouTube HTTPS connections. That
> is only possible if the clients are not using Chrome or other Google
> apps to fetch the videos - otherwise you run up against the cert pinning
> wall.
> After that you need some extra helper software to track the YT video
> fetching process and decipher what the actual video URL is from the mess
> of session traffic. That is being kept a bit of a secret these days,
> since every time G find out how it is being done they change the process
> to make it more obtuse and harder to do :-(
> Eliezer has been trying to get a helper for that going most recently.
> There are also some other products I forget the name of right now
> (videobooster maybe), but should be easy to find that cache YouTube
> content.
> >
> > If not then I have no reason to bother you anymore :)
> >
> > If squid could help me, then could you point me to a an example
> > configuration that would work?
> >
> > As far as hardware I have 2 options:
> >
> > 1. I can install squid on a Raspberry PI 3, if package is readily
> > available.  that's my preferred solution.
> > 2. I have an old server hardware with more power than RPI 3, but I don't
> > like to run it, because it is noisy.  It has FreeBSD 10 installed and I
> > can upgrade it to latest FreeBSD (11?) and isntall squid application
> > that way.
> >
> >
> > Does squid run on RPI3?  FreeBSD?
> Yes to both, and at the small scale you need the RPi3 should be able to
> cope with it.
> Amos
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