[squid-users] Chaining icap and ecap services - FATAL: Received Segment Violation...dying.

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Wed Jul 12 10:34:46 UTC 2017

On Wednesday 12 July 2017 at 10:55:36, bugreporter wrote:

> Thank you Yuri,
> The least I can say is that the conversation at
> http://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4597 makes me laugh a lot. My
> opinion is that if you modify the source code of an open source program
> without publishing your modifications your are in contradiction with GPL
> v2.

That depends entirely on whether the modified version has been distributed or 

If whoever has done the modifications uses the modified version only for their 
own use, that is entirely in keeping with the GPL.

The GPL only says that you must make available the source code of your 
modifications for any modified version which you distribute to others.

> Your sponsor may have *serious blame* from the open source community
> (and also *legal problems*). 10 days of hard working is not nothing and I
> can understand your position. But What do you think that we do all of us
> (open source developers) ? My own Open Source project represents 1700 days
> of (very) hard working... But I always respect the GPL.

Please read it more closely, specifically sections 2 and 6, paying attention to 
the word "distribute".




Pavlov is in the pub enjoying a pint.
The barman rings for last orders, and Pavlov jumps up exclaiming "Damn!  I 
forgot to feed the dog!"

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