[squid-users] HTTPS site filtering

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Fri Jan 20 18:41:42 UTC 2017

On 21/01/2017 7:30 a.m., roadrage27 wrote:
>> I see no 'localnet' ACL use. If this proxy is supposed to be servicing
>> LAN clients, that will be needed and the keepgoing and artwork ACLs
>> probably not needed.
> I am connecting on a LAN to it now with no issues and multiple testers on
> the same subnet can also use it.  why would i add a directive if its
> already working?

Because your config file says the only traffic allowed is those specific
keepgoing domains, the squid artwork file, and traffic was generated by
locahost (aka. on the proxy machine itself).

How is that LAN traffic getting to Squid?


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