[squid-users] squid-avira-update-cache

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Fri Feb 17 20:05:53 UTC 2017

On 02/17/2017 12:31 PM, Heiler Bemerguy wrote:
> I've noticed this:
> 2017/02/17 16:28:05.632 kid4| ctx: enter level  0:
> 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/localdecider_sigver-win32-int-'
> 2017/02/17 16:28:05.632 kid4| 22,3| http.cc(339) cacheableReply: NO
> because e:=p2XDIV/0x15c49190*3 has been released.
> 2017/02/17 16:28:05.797 kid4| ctx: enter level  0:
> 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/idx/weblocaldecider_sigver-win32-int-'
> 2017/02/17 16:28:05.797 kid4| 22,3| http.cc(339) cacheableReply: NO
> because e:=p2XDIV/0x15c49190*3 has been released.
> 2017/02/17 16:28:17.803 kid4| ctx: enter level  0:
> 'http://personal.avira-update.com/update/x_vdf_sigver/'
> 2017/02/17 16:28:17.803 kid4| 22,3| http.cc(339) cacheableReply: NO
> because e:=p2XDIV/0x6a233d0*3 has been released.
> It seems I'm not caching it too, but couldn't understand what "has been
> released" is referring too.

In this debugging context, "has been released" means that the response
was marked for removal from the cache some time earlier. It will be
delivered to the current client (or several concurrent clients in some
cases) but it will not be available to future clients.

These debugging lines do not tell us why or when that marking was
applied. It is possible that the response had some anti-caching
Cache-Control headers or was too big to cache, but these are just two
examples; there are lots of other possible reasons.



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