[squid-users] FTP Issues in Proxy

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Dec 20 11:10:44 UTC 2017

On 20.12.17 10:52, Vayalpadu, Vedavyas wrote:
>I need help in configuring FTP services in squid Proxy server.
>Issue is: From application FTP requests are coming to squid proxy,

How? do you divert port 21 to squid?

> but from Proxy it is not going to the Firewall.\

what's in squid logs?

>We are able to telnet the Firewall netted IP from the reverse proxy.
>Are there any FTP configuration settings we need to do in squid proxy server ?

>Vyas  (vedavyas vayalpadu )
>vedavyas.vayalpadu at accenture.com<mailto:mogens.kjaer at carlsberg.com>

funny mail address, text says one (vedavyas.vayalpadu at accenture.com) but the
html link says else (mogens.kjaer at carlsberg.com).

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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