[squid-users] Squid Logs local and remote

Ambrose LI ambrose.li at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 19:40:36 UTC 2016

2016-10-27 15:35 GMT-04:00 Jose Torres-Berrocal <jetsystemservices at gmail.com>:
> Is there a way that I can have the squid logs locally and remotely?
> I need them locally for lightsquid and remotelly for sarg in other server.
> Lightsquid does not show the tcp_denied sites only the successful
> connections (at least I did not see how), Sarg does show both type of
> connections.
> I can not install Sarg on the local server (pfsense 2.3.2 is not compatible)

What kind of logs, and does your system use rsyslog? If it's just the
access log you can configure squid to log to syslog, then configure
rsyslog to both save a local copy and forward to a remote server. But
the formatting of the logs is going to change somewhat.

Ambrose Li // http://o.gniw.ca / http://gniw.ca
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