[squid-users] Caching Google Chrome googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Oct 25 07:50:27 UTC 2016

On 25/10/2016 6:35 p.m., Garri Djavadyan wrote:
> So, HEAD request _can_ be used as a reliable source for object
> revalidation. How the 'can' should it be interpreted? RFC2119 [2] does
> not specifies that.
> AIUI, that exact case leaves two choices:
> * Implement something like 'revalidate_using_head [[!]acl]
> * Contact Google and inform about the behavior

* or both would be better.

For now I'm applying the tested patch. HEAD revalidation is a much
larger project.

> The former is RFC-compliant way to solve that particular case, but
> requires costly development efforts and may be useless after some time.
> The latter may break HEAD revalidation also, but gives hopes that the
> GET conditionals may be fixed.
> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-4.3.5
> [2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119


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