[squid-users] Caching Google Chrome googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Sun Oct 23 13:38:08 UTC 2016

On 23/10/2016 1:56 a.m., Antony Stone wrote:
> Disclaimer: I am not a Squid developer.
> On Saturday 22 October 2016 at 14:43:55, garry wrote:
>> IMO:
>> The only reason I believe [explains] why core developers of Squid tend to
>> move HTTP violating settings from average users is to prevent possible
>> abuse/misuse.
> I believe the reason is that one of Squid's goals is to be RFC compliant, 

It is.

> therefore it does not contain features which violate HTTP.

None of the Squid dev agree with that conclusion. It would be nice, but
is not realistic. Squid has two relevant builds;

--disable-http-violations which adheres to the RFCs. Tollerant
processing is written into the RFCs, so we do not have to violate them
to interoperate with badly behaving other softwares.

--enable-http-violations which either just does or allows the sysadmin
to configure options that:
 * directly override SHOULD (NOT) requirements in the RFCs, and
 * directly overrides some MUST (NOT) requirements where we think they
can be safely avoided, and
 * extend the RFC described behaviours in custom ways that may not work
well but seem to have benefits.


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