[squid-users] Objects in cache that are not found don't seem to be removed from the internal index

Linda W squid-user at tlinx.org
Sun Oct 2 20:46:29 UTC 2016

Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 2/10/2016 8:29 p.m., Linda A. Walsh wrote:
>> I noticed a message like this in my cache.log:
>> 2016/09/30 18:50:27 kid1| DiskThreadsDiskFile::openDone: (2) No such
>> file or directory
>> 2016/09/30 18:50:27 kid1|     /var/cache/squid/1D/1C/0001D708
>> Always wonder why, but barring that, I found multiple statements like that
>> with the same file number.  I.e. after it has failed and knows it isn't
>> in the
>> cache -- why do I get more failures with it trying to fetch the same bad
>> file?
> Unknown without a detailed log trace containing the full Squid
> operations between the recorded lines.
    I don't know the sequence of actions needed to reliably trigger the 
but the cache logs I have hand show counts of "1" for 99 of the "no such 
errors, with the non-"1" counts being:
      2 /var/cache/squid/11/05/00011167
     12 /var/cache/squid/2C/34/0006CD0A
     33 /var/cache/squid/01/31/00001C56
     51 /var/cache/squid/25/06/000251AD
     71 /var/cache/squid/1D/1C/0001D708
In the oldest log rotated out on Sep 16, There are 6 with count 1, and 2 
>  1 counts:
      6 /var/cache/squid/1D/1C/0001D708
      7 /var/cache/squid/25/06/000251AD

    In the large majority of cases, they are 1-time misses, but for 
some, like
"/var/cache/squid/1D/1C/0001D708".  I don't see any that have the two 
cache dirs
as the 1st 2 digits -- I'd be surprised if it worked at all if that were 
the case -- maybe it isn't -- maybe I'm only getting memhits and the 
rest are hits
that would have come from disk if the file was there? 

    Which log would you want a detailed trace of... you talking debug 
level 9?  Erk?...

> Probably multiple objects using the same filename. That might also
> explain why it is disappearing too (one got deeted, other entris not
> aware of that). Although the filename does not start with 1D1C**** which
> I would expect to see there given the path.
> Amos
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