[squid-users] caching videos over https?

Yuri Voinov yvoinov at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 22:18:25 UTC 2016

20.11.2016 3:59, Eliezer Croitoru пишет:
> Yuri,
> I am not the most experienced in life and in security but I can say it's possible and I am not selling it....
> I released the windows update cacher which works in enough places(just by seeing how many downloaded it..).
> The first rule I have learned from my mentors is that even if you know something it might not fit to be in a form that the general public should know about.
> I am looking for a link to CVE related publication rules of thumb so I would be able to understand better what should be published and how.
> Any redirections are welcomed..
> A note:
> If you have the plain html of a json which contains the next links you would be able to predict couple things...
I know what are you talking about. I came to this idea two years ago.
Unfortunately, I had more important priorities.
But I'm not seen open source solutions uses real YT internals yet and
really works.

Now I'm working on another squid's thing, but plan to return to YT
store-ID helper later.

However, it is only the fact that the "solutions" that are in the public
domain, or obsolete, or are worthless.

And for some more money and asking. I would understand if they really
worked. Unfortunately, Google does not idiots work.

That's why I said that the development of the Indian - fake.
> If you would be able to catch every single fedora\redhat sqlite db file and replace it with a malicious sha256 data you would be able to hack each of their clients machine when they will be updated.
> If you believe you can coordinate such a thing you are way above StoreID level of understanding networking and Computer Science.
> Cheers,
> Eliezer 
> ----
> Eliezer Croitoru
> Linux System Administrator
> Mobile: +972-5-28704261
> Email: eliezer at ngtech.co.il
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yuri Voinov [mailto:yvoinov at gmail.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2016 23:08
> To: Eliezer Croitoru <eliezer at ngtech.co.il>; squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
> Subject: Re: [squid-users] caching videos over https?
> I do not want to waste my and your time and discuss this issue. I know what I know, I have seriously studied this issue. None of those who are really able to cache Youtube - not only on desktops but also on mobile devices - all without exception - is no solution in the form of open source or blob will not offer free. This is big money. As for Google, and for those who use it. Therefore, I suggest better acquainted with the way Youtube counteracts caching and close useless discussion.
> I'm not going to shake the air and talk about what I do not and can not be. If you have a solution - really works, and for absolutely any type of client (Android and iPhone) - show evidence or let's stop blah-blah-blah. I mean, if you really were a solution - you'd sold it for money. But you do not have it, isn't it?
> Personally, I do not want anything. This is not the solution I'm looking for. 
> For myself, I found a workaround; what I know - I have stated in the wiki. If someone else wants to spend a year or two for new investigations - welcome.
> 20.11.2016 2:45, Eliezer Croitoru пишет:
>> Yuri,
>> Let say I can cache youtube videos, what would I get for this?
>> I mean, what would anyone get from this?
>> Let say I will give you a blob that will work, will you try it? Or 
>> would you want only an open source solution?
>> Eliezer
>> ----
>> Eliezer Croitoru <http://ngtech.co.il/lmgtfy/> Linux System 
>> Administrator
>> Mobile: +972-5-28704261
>> Email: eliezer at ngtech.co.il
>> From: squid-users [mailto:squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org] 
>> On Behalf Of Yuri Voinov
>> Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2016 17:54
>> To: squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
>> Subject: Re: [squid-users] caching videos over https?
>> HTTPS is not a problem, if not a problem to install the proxy 
>> certificate to the clients.
>> The problem in combating caching YT by Google.
>> 19.11.2016 21:41, Yuri Voinov пишет:
>> 19.11.2016 21:35, Amos Jeffries пишет:
>> 19.11.2016 20:56, Bakhtiyor Homidov пишет:
>> thanks, yuri,
>> just found https://cachevideos.com/, what do you think about this?
>> On 20/11/2016 4:17 a.m., Yuri Voinov wrote:
>> This is fake.
>> Only for strange definitions of "fake".
>> It is simply an old helper from before YouTube became all-HTTPS. It 
>> should still work okay for any of the video sites that are still using 
>> HTTP.
>> YT uses cache-preventing scheme for videos relatively long time (after 
>> they finished use Flash videos). So, no one - excluding Google itself 
>> - can cache it now. Especially for mobile devices. I've spent last two 
>> years to learn this. So, anyone who talk he can cache YT is lies.
>> As I explain here why:
>> http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube/Disc
>> ussion
>> All another videos - well, this is a bit difficult - but possible to cache.
>> If you look at the features list it clearly says:
>>  "No support for HTTPS (secure HTTP) caching."
>> HTTPS itself in most cases can't be easy cached by vanilla squid.
>> Amos
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Cats - delicious. You just do not know how to cook them.
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