[squid-users] squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, LDAP search error 'Referral'

L.P.H. van Belle belle at bazuin.nl
Wed May 18 12:50:34 UTC 2016

This has probely todo with the latest samba/windows updates.
But your giving so little info. 

You can confirm it by testing the ldap. Connect to ldaps (port 636).
Does that work? No, try adding in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf


And make sure your AD Root CA cert is know in :
TLS_CACERT      /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt 
( or point above to your AD Root CA cert. ) 



> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: squid-users [mailto:squid-users-bounces at lists.squid-cache.org] Namens
> Amos Jeffries
> Verzonden: woensdag 18 mei 2016 14:44
> Aan: squid-users at lists.squid-cache.org
> Onderwerp: Re: [squid-users] squid_ldap_auth: WARNING, LDAP search error
> 'Referral'
> On 19/05/2016 12:25 a.m., Manduva, Ranga Sai wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone had similar issue ?? Is there any workaround for it ?
> Something like configure squid to follow referral etc..
> >
> Squid has nothing to do with those layers of operations. The closest it
> gets is to pass the helper command line options when it starts.
> I can suggest that you try an upgrade though. The Squid bundled helper
> has not had that name in many years. So it could be one of the bugs
> fixed already.
> Amos
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