[squid-users] question about ssl_bump

Alex Samad alex at samad.com.au
Thu Mar 10 03:00:06 UTC 2016

from http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SslPeekAndSplice

# Better safe than sorry:
# Terminate all strange connections.
ssl_bump splice serverIsBank
ssl_bump bump haveServerName
ssl_bump peek all
ssl_bump terminate all

I am not sure how haveServerName is constructed

I read this as
1) splice the connection if it meets ACL serverIsBank
2) bump the connection (MTM) if acl haveServerName is meet
3) try and peek the ssl connection . which I understands is  start MTM
whilst keeping the ability to splice. I presume this means look at the
client cert and the server cert ? so you get more info.... But this
doesn't stop the process ?
4)  terminate all that get here. again nothing stops at #3 it just
gathers more info ?

Is my understanding right ???

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