[squid-users] Vary object loop returns

Amos Jeffries squid3 at treenet.co.nz
Tue Jun 7 10:04:26 UTC 2016

On 7/06/2016 10:39 a.m., Yuri Voinov wrote:
> 07.06.2016 4:26, Amos Jeffries пишет:
>> On 6/06/2016 8:10 p.m., Yuri wrote:
>>> Heh,
>>> and breaking Internet...
>> No it does not. Every HTTP agent has mandatory support for un-encoded
>> objects. The use of encodings is optional.
>>> So, for example, my Squid's built with ecap gzip support. What will be
>>> result?
>> Hmm. The ecap adaptor REQMOD actions should be doing all this
>> Accept-Encoding manipulation for you. If it was working correctly these
>> patches of joe's would not work.
> But they works. Result is very significant.
> Ecap Gzip we are talking about is only one, very old, and has long been
> abandoned.

IIRC, some months back you volunteered to do something about that.

I did take a look through the adapter code yesterday after posting this
and see that its using the Accept-Encoding header to decide what it can
do. But not altering it to tell the server what it wants.

I've asked joe if he is interested in fixing that bug in the adapter.
Which will be a lot more beneficial than the current patches as it would
avoid the extra squid.conf.

> Others around the world do not have. We do not just repeatedly asked,
> gzip support in squid whether implemented.

I know. A lot of asking for things and very little in the way of
contributions to help achieve it.

Thank you for testing joe's patches, even though I think the direction
is wrong it has been a big step forward.


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