[squid-users] This is first time I use squid, i don't know how to edit file squid.conf for start using squid

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at squid.open.source.it
Mon Jul 18 10:25:22 UTC 2016

On Monday 18 July 2016 at 11:33:52, james82 wrote:

> No,no, you understand wrong. I mean where should I edit and edit what? Not
> text problem,sir.

1. Find the section in your configuration file containing the line:

#acl localnet src     # RFC1918 possible internal network

2. Add below that line one which reads as follows:

acl localnet src aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/nn

replacing aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/nn with the network range containing the clients 
which you want to be able to access Squid.

3. Find the section in your configuration file containing the line:

#http_access allow localnet

3. Remove the # symbol from the start of that line.

4. Save the file and reload squid,

5. Test it and tell us what errors you get if it does not work - including:

 - what browser or other application you were testing it with
 - the IP address of the machine the browser was running on
 - the URL you attempted to access
 - the lines from Squid's access.log file (which I think you should find in 
/var/log/squid on an Ubuntu system) corresponding to the request.



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