[squid-users] simple script to get squid 3.5.12 from Debian sid on Jessie.

startrekfan startrekfan75 at freenet.de
Fri Jan 22 18:10:55 UTC 2016

I'm not sure that this script will work. The script isn't doing much more
then adding an unstable entry to the sources list and trying to *_install_*
the dependencies (Yes, apt-get build-deb squid will install the depencies
directly on my debian jessie system)

As I described before: This will not work, because of the missing libecap3
that could not be installed on a stable debian without installing a bunch
of other dependencies.

L.P.H. van Belle <belle at bazuin.nl> schrieb am Fr., 22. Jan. 2016 um
16:46 Uhr:

> No, this is NOT a problem at all.
> You need 4 ! files and no other sid depends, just debian Jessie.
> Its a quick write, but should be error free, tested until the squid
> compile.
> I use a separated VM for this and all my created debs are available throuh
> webaccess, like normal, below is based on "local install" if you want to
> have is network available, look het het apt/sources.list.d/lcoalrepo.list,
> change to needed hostname for your webserver etc.. not explained here..
> but should be easy to do.
> Create a file, add content below ( sed CODE ),
> chmod +x and run it. (as root)
> In the end you have a compiled squid 3.5.12, ready to instal with ssl
> enabled. Which is just a apt-get install squid then.
> And !! all squid3 is now changed to squid !!
> Enjoy, and have a nice weekend,
> Greetz,
> Louis
> ### CODE, run as root, can be beter, but a quicky for you.
> #!/bin/bash
> SETPATH=`pwd`
> if [ ! -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid.list ]; then
> # adding sid repo
> cat << EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sid.list
> #
> #deb http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/ sid main non-free contrib
> deb-src http://ftp.nl.debian.org/debian/ sid main non-free contrib
> fi
> if [ ! -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/localrepo.list ]; then
> # adding local repo ( webserver based )
> cat << EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/localrepo.list
> #
> # change if you done have a webserver.
> #file:/var/www/mydebs ./
> deb http://localhost/mydebs/ ./
> fi
> if [ ! -e /var/www/mydebs ]; then
> # get dependes, sources and build sources, setup local apt.
> mkdir -p  /var/www/mydebs
> apt-get install dpkg-dev -y
> fi
> for x in c-icap c-icap-modules libecap squid ; do
> apt-get build-dep $x
> apt-get source $x
> if [ $x = squid ]; then
>         sed -i 's/--with-default-user=proxy/--with-default-user=proxy
> \\/g' squid3-3.5.12/debian/rules
>         sed -i '/with-default-user=proxy/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
> --enable-ssl \\'  squid3-3.5.12/debian/rules
>         sed -i '/enable-ssl/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
> --with-open-ssl=/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf \\'  squid3-3.5.12/debian/rules
>         sed -i '/with-open-ssl/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
> --enable-linux-netfilter'  squid3-3.5.12/debian/rules
> fi
> apt-get source $x -b
> cp *.deb /var/www/mydebs
> cd /var/www/mydebs
> dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
> echo "Running apt-get update, please wait."
> apt-get update 2> /dev/null
> sleep 1
> done
> ## CODE ENDS,.
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