[squid-users] key-value pairs output from external helper

Sreenath BH bhsreenath at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 16:33:42 UTC 2016


Squid allows external acl helpers to write arbitrary key-value pairs
in its output.
As per documentation, these values can be set in both ERR and OK cases.

Are these available for use by other modules of Squid?

Specifically, can these be accessed by URL rewriter helper. We would
like to rewrite the URL by using some of the key-value pairs set by
external ACL helper.

See following:
		Associates a TAG with the client TCP connection.
		The TAG is treated as a regular annotation but persists across
		future requests on the client connection rather than just the
		current request. A helper may update the TAG during subsequent
		requests be returning a new kv-pair.
If we set clt_conn_tag to some string in external ACL helper, can this
be picked up by the external url rewriter?

Ours is a reverse caching setup.


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